Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Lots of Grandmas...

K- Mommy, I have lots of Grandmas! And GrandPas, too. Like this! [arms wide open]

F - Well, not lots like that. But you do have 3 Grandmas and 2 GrandPas. GMa M. and GMa E. and Vovo'. GPa G. and Vovo.

K - I don't know GMa E.

F - Yes, she passed away before you were born. Daddy can show you pictures when he comes back. Remember to ask him, O.K.?

K - O.K. [... K asks about GMa E. and if Gma E. has sisters and their names, and this goes on for a little while about family. Then, after a short pause, she starts again]

K - I have 2 Mommies.

F - What do you mean? I think I'm the only Mommy you have.

K - No. Vovo' doesn't look like a GrandMa, so she is my Mommy too. And Vovo doesn't look like a GrandPa either.

F - Well, but even if Vovo' doesn't look like a GrandMa she is still your GrandMa.

K - No. She is my Mommy, too.

F - O.K. She can be your Mommy, too.

K - O.K. [and drifts off to sleep]

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