Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Perfect weather

As you run through the Summer in the heat and humidity you start to believe that "the perfect weather day" will never happen in Houston. Well, today it was perfect for me. Temperatures were in the mid 60s, it was dry and sunny, my lungs and legs were happy - the run was great.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

A great 20-miler today

The weather was perfect for a long run this morning. Very crisp, in fact. I ran in my fleece the entire 20 miles.

It was nice to run in the country side with rolling hills just West of Houston. The sag support team was also great. We had our own personalized bags with water, gatorade, energy gels, salty cookies, and nuts throughout the course!

It sure was nice to run with the group. Last week's 18-miler I was on my own... by mile 15 I had run out of conversations with myself and the last 3 miles were a tough negotiation with my legs. Today, I was OK until mile 18 but for the last two I needed a few walking breaks to actually make it through...

My legs are tired but very happy right now!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Not one, but two snakes in the path

The brush grass along the sides of the levee has been recently cut (1-3 days which displaced the snakes out of their hiding places. As I was running up on the levee I actually jumped over a quite big adult Yellowbelly Water Snake. It sure startled me - this is the first time I encountered any snakes all the way up there. I stopped and watched it for while. The snake was also unsure about me. Its tail was pulsing side to side quite rapidly. Had it been a rattle snake, it would've sounded like true maracas.

Then 300m later, another snake! This time it was a small one. I think it was a young botched water snake similar to the one saw a few weeks ago. It was brown with tiny spots on its back.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008


We just came back from a weekend trip to Zion. We had a great time driving and hiking in the Park.

Kolob reservoir: overview, hawk & bald eagles
Hiking: deer and river play
Hiking to Lower Emerald Pool: walking on red mud behind waterfalls

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Lots of Grandmas...

K- Mommy, I have lots of Grandmas! And GrandPas, too. Like this! [arms wide open]

F - Well, not lots like that. But you do have 3 Grandmas and 2 GrandPas. GMa M. and GMa E. and Vovo'. GPa G. and Vovo.

K - I don't know GMa E.

F - Yes, she passed away before you were born. Daddy can show you pictures when he comes back. Remember to ask him, O.K.?

K - O.K. [... K asks about GMa E. and if Gma E. has sisters and their names, and this goes on for a little while about family. Then, after a short pause, she starts again]

K - I have 2 Mommies.

F - What do you mean? I think I'm the only Mommy you have.

K - No. Vovo' doesn't look like a GrandMa, so she is my Mommy too. And Vovo doesn't look like a GrandPa either.

F - Well, but even if Vovo' doesn't look like a GrandMa she is still your GrandMa.

K - No. She is my Mommy, too.

F - O.K. She can be your Mommy, too.

K - O.K. [and drifts off to sleep]

Monday, November 10, 2008

Rainy Day Track Workout

The day was dark and wet. Track workout was in the gym today. It was actually a good strong workout 2x(4x800m) with 60s recovery between 800's and 3min recovery between sets. The word was to do it at a 10K pace. My splits were 4x7:47 and 3x7:42 + 1x7:30. For me a 7:30 min/mi is great. I have never been able to run a race that fast. Maybe it's time to try a 5K again after a few more sessions of speed work... who knows.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Saturday Run

15 miles - great run. Made me want to do the marathon again.

Right now I'm wavering between doing the half-marathon in Austin or a full marathon in January.

The Houston Marathon is sold out - so it will be difficult, unless I can get a number from someone that got injured and can't run. Another option on the same day is Phoenix/Scottsdale - it's a Rock'N'Roll Marathon with many bands along the course. Should be a fun one. The Walt Disney Marathon is also in January - I was signed up for Disney many years ago but got sick. I transfered my number to the half-marathon and ran that instead with a burning fever. Yeah, not a very smart thing to do... I want to think that several years later I'm a bit smarter!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

One more today...

yet to come.

Dolls and smiley faces

Collage and drawings - beautiful art work. Recycle... 2007 Ikea catalogue.

Roseate Spoonbills are back!

And I have pictures this time! I was able to get really close to the water without spooking the birds.

I was a bit concerned about going down the levee since I had the encounter with the bloched water snake on Monday. But the photos from the levee were just too far and not very gratifying. The grass was not as tall as it looked and going down was just fine.

The spoonbills we great - just posing away. They were very curious about me being there. The camera clicks did get them intrigued.

On the way out, I also spotted some deer tracks on the mud at the edge of the water. So much life is hidden away in the woods.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Google Doodles

I think the Google doodles are the best... love them. Google has a special place for them in their site "museum".


Election Day

A history making election is shaping up today...

A snake in my path

I was hoping snakes brought good luck. Yesterday as I was starting my run I hopped over one. It was camouflaged in the grass and I saw it as I went over it and it raised up and opened it's mouth wide warning me I was in its territory. Luckily, I was moving faster than it was.

This morning though luck didn't materialize. I got a ticket on the freeway in a under posted zone...I'll blame it on bad luck from the snake yesterday. I'm quite annoyed at having to spend 6 hours of my life now in defensive driving school in addition to paying $100+ in court fees. @$#$%@#$%@$%.

Just found it on the web http://www.houstonherp.com/BlotchedWS.html
The one I encountered though was about half this size.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

A friendlier version

K convinced D to let her draw a jack-o-lantern on his pumpkin. A much friendlier version came through this time.

Our very own

Our very own jack-o-lantern came to life this morning! K drew an original sketch on her pumpkin and I carved it out - with slight adjustments. Since we needed to light it up immediately, of course, the guest washroom had the honor to house it.

A side benefit - it is contributing to K's daily exercise. Now she only goes to the restroom upstairs. Too scary to venture into the guest washroom by herself... even to turn on the light. The darker the room the spookier and more exciting it gets.