Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Five years in the closet

The weather was beautiful today. It was sunny and cool in the morning (by Houston standards 70F's is cool).

I went for my first bike ride in five years! It was special company outing in Chappell Hill with proceeds benefiting the United Way. The 35-mile route was quite challenging with gently and not-so gently rolling hills through the country side. A perfect way to spend the day. Now that the bike is free of cobwebs, I hope to get it out on the road more often!

Along the way:
Scarecrow festival in the city - halloween pumpkin in haystack, cowgirl riding a haystack turkey, and other creative treats.
A pony farm - it seeemd like hundreds of them out in the pasture.
Turtles sunning on a rock in the middle of a creek
Crickets and butterflies

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