Friday, September 26, 2008

Oh, no! Where are the marshmallows?

Just after lunch L tells K that there is a big storm coming and that we're camping downstairs in the evening. K gets excited and immediately wants to know where the smarshmallows are.

We don't have any marshmallows, K. Let's camp without marshmallows today.

No, Mommy. We need smarshmallows. I want smarshmallows, pleeease...

OK, lets see if the cornerstore is still open. We take the Babbyjogger and set out on the search for marshmallows. It's 1:30pm and a beautiful day. Hard to believe the reports that the coastal areas are already flooding due to the tidal surge ahead of the hurricane. The rain clouds have not even shown up yet in our corner of the city.

The cornerstore is already closed. We try the nearby supermarket. They have just closed, the last customers are leaving. The Walgreens next door - still open. Marshmallows? Yes! We grab a couple of bags and run home. The clouds are starting to come in quite fast. We are going from a bright sun shiny day to a gloomy rainy day pretty fast. We get home just as it starts to sprinkle. The real storm is still a good 9 to 10 hours away but these are the some of the rain bands associated with the storm.

In any case, it was nice to see K so, so happy with her smarshmallows. Camping started that afternoon!

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