Saturday, August 16, 2008

Lucy's Legacy

In Ethiopia, 3.2 million years ago Lucy was born. In 1974, she made an incredible appearance again. Over 40% of her skeleton was discovered revealing her 3'6" (1.07 meters) figure. It is one of the most complete Australopithecus afarensis fossils ever found. The teeth are amazing, very very similar to our human teeth today.

For the first time ever outside of Ethiopia, Lucy has made residence in Houston the past year in the exhibit "Lucy's Legacy: the Treasures of Ethiopia" at The Houston Museum of Natural Science. In Amharic, she is called Dinkenesh which means "you are beautiful" .

What a priviledge to be able to see her in person!

The Department of Anthropology at The University of Texas has a website dedicated to Lucy with resources for teachers and kids.

1 comment:

Houston Museum of Natural Science said...

Hi! Thanks for sharing information about the Lucy's Legacy exhibition at HMNS. Our curator of anthropology, Dirk Van Tuerenhout, also posts information on the HMNS blog, if you'd like to check it out. Thanks again!