Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Amazing rocks and fossils also on exhibit at the HMNS.

The Wedding Crinoid (Seirocrinus subangilaris) is 185 million years old. It was found in Holzmaden, Stuttgart, Germany in the Poisdonia Shale.
These sea lillies are extremely well preserved and look like they have fallen in love. The tiny pinnules (arms) that the animal uses to filter food out of the water extend down to about 3x the size of the "flower" (not shown in the picture).

The Green River Turtle is 50 million years old and was found in Kemmerer, Wyoming in the Green River Formation (Eocene). Note the crocodile teeth marks on its carapace.

Natural Sandstone Concretion from Fountainbleau, France. These nodules result from irregular quartz cementation in a cross-bedded sandstone. The loose sand is brushed away and the nodules are left behind. Reminds me of the Michelin Tire boy...

The crystals and size of this amethist are very impressive. It was one of many in display from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

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