Saturday, July 5, 2008

The Battleship Texas

U.S and Texas history close to home...

"The Battleship texas is the only surviving battleship to have fought in both world wars. At the time she was commissioned in 1914, Texas was lauded as the most powerful weapon in the world. Her 14-inch guns could dominate any other ship afloat. At the beginning of World War II she was designated the flagship of the U.S. Atlantic fleet. She supported the invasions of North Africa in 1942 and Normandy in June 1944. In 1945, Texas participated in the American invasions of the Japanese fortress islands of Iwo Jima and Okinawa.

By war's end, with the arrival of larger, more modern Iowa class battleships, and the Navy's increasing reliance on aircraft carriers, The Texas was a relic of the past. In 19848 Texas was comissioned as the flagship of the Texas Navy and is permanently moored at San Jacinto. She is designated National Historic Landmark and National Engineering Landmark."

At a distance from the Battleship sits the San Jacinto Battleground and Monument. The San Jacinto Monument rises 570ft above the battleground and stands as a memorial to those who fought for Texas independence in April 21, 1836.

1 comment:

Artur said...

interesting blog. continue posting. dont remember visiting my blog