Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Happy smiles

D had his first dental cleaning today. The office was entertaining but having people poking at his teeth were not part of his plans. Good thing he opens his mouth wide when he cries...

K took her appointment like a champ. Cleaning and treatment and lots of poking. The tears only flowed after it was all over. She pretended not to be scared really really well... that's my brave little one!

And it will happen every 6 months...

Hopefully, less tears will flow as time goes on!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

An Unquiet Mind

An Unquiet Mind is a great memoir I read a few years back by Kay Redfield Jamieson. She tells her story and personal struggle with manic-depression. She addresses the disease from two perspectives: one as a psychiatrist and the other as a patient.

I have it on my night table again - one of few books I would like to re-read.

Running Therapy

Thinking about my run today made me realize that these "conversations" with myself happen more often than not when I'm running on my own. Specially on the challenging runs - the short and sweet or the loooong ones.

A Conversation with Myself

Interesting when you catch an unexpected glimpse of yourself...

As I entered the gym today I noticed that they were holding an indoor triathlon of some kind. In the treadmills were 3 guys lined up running. One was at 7.8 mph, one was at 8.2mph and the third one I don't recall noticing the speed. But I thought to myself, these guys don't seem to be going that fast, but I don't ever run at 7.8! How fast is that?

And off I went to do some stretching since all the 10+ treadmills were busy (raining outside...). I stretched for a while then pondered whether I should still fit in a run before heading back to work. I decide on an easy 3-miler.

I step on the machine, adjust all the buttons, plug in the earphones and start running. I go out at a 9 min/mi pace, pretty comfortable. I start getting bored, I increase to an 8:40 pace, OK, then a bit more to 8:20. So much for an easy run... I'm probably half way through at this point. I move to 8:12, then 8:00, almost done. I go to 7:53 and since I'm there anyway I go up a notch more to finish the next .4 of my now 3.5 mile run at a 7:47 pace. And that's pretty close to 7.8mph!

I guess the 7.8/8.2mph of the triathletes stuck to my mind...Is this healthy competition? They were long gone by then, but OK they helped me run a bit faster. Nothing like a little challenge...

Then getting ready to step down from the treadmill I notice I never turned on the TV for the earphones! I had them on for 30 minutes without a peep coming from them. I guess the voices in my head were pretty loud today on this quest for the 7.8---

Sunday, July 20, 2008


A random tour through the blogs out there landed me on Obiko a few weeks ago. I find myself going back to it quite often.

Linda has some interesting pictures and easy to read everyday snapshots of her life, travels and building her greeting card design business.


Lost in Translation

Yesterday I came across ronsgallery blog, Lost in Translation. Amazing pictures!

It made me want to unearthen my DSLR and actually use it!

With K and D running around it's been so much easier to just grab the point and shoot. Then you see great shots and the difference is off-the-wall. Great photographer, great equipment and a bit of pre-planning for some events - awesome results.


A full lap

K swam the full length of our pool today! She came up for air a couple of times on her own...big step forward.

L is doing a great job with the kids in the pool. K and D are both taking full advantage of their time with Daddy.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Under the Stars

Theater Under the Stars performed their Summer show today to a large crowd. We all enjoyed the music and dance around a cool breeze on top of the hill at Miller Outdoor Theater.

Airplane and helicopter lights overhead were also a great source of entertainement for D through out the evening.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Ice cream

Not a chance K would forget an ice cream promise! Even if the promise had been made 24h before after pizza, we went for Italian gelato.

K chose strawberry and watermelon; one medium pink, the other light pink. Who ever thought of watermelon ice cream? Quite blend I must say.

D went for more contrast red and white; wild berries and coconut. Both very good!

Moonlight run

Full moon.

Now that I think about it I don't really remember it going from night to dusk to morning. It just was suddenly light.

The Circus is in Town

Clowns and animals, the magic is still there.

The clown noses K & D brought back home have also provided a world of entertainment for all of us.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Sunday morning

A pleasant Sunday morning was just perfect for outside play. All our great plans to leave the house quickly ended when the kids got hold of the water hose. K & D were soon completely drenched and laughing their hearts out. A trip to the bagel place turned into a waffle and strawberry breakfast by pool.

The kids next door hearing all the fun soon joined us for a swim. Just Sunday as it is supposed to be.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Colors everywhere

Thursday started out hot and steamy, a typical Houston Summer day. By 11am rain clouds started to take shape to the South, and a breeze (a warm breeze) started to blow. I think I can make it – and out I go for a run by the reservoir. The clouds soon covered the sun, yes! The wind picked up faster than I anticipated and those rain clouds that seemed quite a distance out were now pretty much overhead, oops! Close to half-way into the run – rain. No more complaining about the heat, in a matter of minutes I felt quite cool, completely drenched with my feet sloshing in my shoes. Oh well, might as well enjoy...

Before the downpour and strong winds I spotted a couple of bumble bees, some of the orange and black butterflies that I haven’t identified yet, and also an earthy-orange wasp. I saw this type of wasp last week by the pool – it has an odd color. Kind of disconcerting when they come too close. Since it’s been hot and raining regularly there were also lots of flowers in bloom along the route. I might actually take my camera up there today for a few pictures – there were probably a dozen different flowers out yesterday.

Hours later...

Since it was Friday and usually my non-running day, I made it a fun-run and took the point-and-shoot with me. Unlike yesterday, no promise of rain anywhere. The sun was blazing with only a mild wind to brake the heat. The flowers were still out and numerous butterflies, bumbble bees and dragonflies came to check me out.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Touch Me Not

One of my fond childhood memories is searching for touch-me-nots. I find them everywhere around Houston now - a happy weed in the grass. I always stop to caress them to sleep. This afternoon they were in bloom guarding Battleship Texas.

Mimosa pudica

The Battleship Texas

U.S and Texas history close to home...

"The Battleship texas is the only surviving battleship to have fought in both world wars. At the time she was commissioned in 1914, Texas was lauded as the most powerful weapon in the world. Her 14-inch guns could dominate any other ship afloat. At the beginning of World War II she was designated the flagship of the U.S. Atlantic fleet. She supported the invasions of North Africa in 1942 and Normandy in June 1944. In 1945, Texas participated in the American invasions of the Japanese fortress islands of Iwo Jima and Okinawa.

By war's end, with the arrival of larger, more modern Iowa class battleships, and the Navy's increasing reliance on aircraft carriers, The Texas was a relic of the past. In 19848 Texas was comissioned as the flagship of the Texas Navy and is permanently moored at San Jacinto. She is designated National Historic Landmark and National Engineering Landmark."

At a distance from the Battleship sits the San Jacinto Battleground and Monument. The San Jacinto Monument rises 570ft above the battleground and stands as a memorial to those who fought for Texas independence in April 21, 1836.

Early Saturdays

The threat of rain did not materialize this morning and we were able to finish our run with dry shoes. Tempo and speed traning in short runs during the week are paying off on Saturday mornings. Running strong start to finish.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Pelicans in the harbor (itchy)

A quiet 4th of July. Lunch in the harbor watching the seagulls and pelicans by the fishing boats. A visit to the Ocean Star Drilling Rig Museum - quite appropriate in these sky rocketing gas price days.

Oh, and we all joined Joe's staff in the chicken dance and a YMCA rendition over lunch - the kids loved it, needless to say!

Set your table In Style

Acura's In Style magazine featured in their Summer '08 edition the coolest trivet out there. The Alessi Tripod Trivet designed by Gabriele Chiave. Got have the nice pan to go with it - humm, shopping spree!?

Splash Days

A highlight of Summer in school are Splash Days.

Getting ready in the morning, even though more involved, is sometimes a lot quicker since we have to get to school quickly. We can't miss splash days... A few extra giggles are in effect with the spray-on suncreen. It's a cool ticklish squirt everywhere -- and with the wiggling and laughing a lot more than K & D are protected against the sun.

Summer is here...pool!

Summer is here and the pool has never been more inviting.

K, D & L are in the pool almost everyday. K is incredibly confortable in the water and on her way to swimming on her own. Glidding under water is her favorite drill now. I'm so proud of my big girl!

A few weeks ago D took an unscheduled dunk fetching water. It didn't seem to phase him immediately. Even though still drippping wet after I fished him out of the pool, he went right back to the edge for more water.

Last week when we started to use the pool daily we noticed him a bit tentative about actually getting in the water. After a week though he has his confidence back and is more confortable floating around with L & K.

Happy Birthday America

It's the 4th of July. Happy Birthday America!

Looking forward to fireworks tonight...