Sunday, January 27, 2013

Mild Winter

Winter has been great here in Houston.  The very chilly weather comes once in a while for a few days, then spring-like weather takes over again. Right now, believe it or not, we're at 77F - yes, 1pm on Jan 27th!

Birds are all around.  My urban bird list from a short walk this morning:
  Monk parakeet - 20 of them squawking *
  Red-tailed hawk - 1  *
  Bronzed cowbird - with a very red eye *
  Brown-headed cowbird
  Loggerhead shrike  *
  European starling
  Great-tailed grackle
  White-winged dove
  Mourning dove
  Eurasian-collared dove - you can hear them every morning "coo-coo-cooup"
  Blue jay
  Northern cardinal - males are a beautiful bright red  *
  Northern mockingbird - they sing year around, cheering up the neighborhood


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