Thursday, April 11, 2013

Amazing weather

12:40am CDT
6:00am CDT
7:25pm CDT

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Egyptian Goose

Egyptian goose has established itself in several feral populations in Texas. I found these at Sea World at San Antonio...

... and then again a couple at a ranch in Bandera!


Every year the kids celebrate the 100 days of school. One of Daniel's project at school was to create an art work with the number 100. I just received his portfolio this week and this is what I found -- a Ninja!

Daniel's Comment- " I was the only one that made a Ninja with my 100 number. Nobody else thought of it , Mommy.  I was very thinky!  (meaning very creative...I took me a few seconds to figure out what thinky meant. After a little while he continued...) I also made a Ninja on my instrument project. One can fight one half of the world and the other one can fight the other half of the world!"

The musical instruments projet has not come home yet - can't wait to see what Ninja #2 looks like.

Update: 3-28-13  And here it is...the trumpet Ninja!

"It was a trumpet, but now it's a Ninja and the Ninja protects the world."

Update: 9-6-13 To my surprise at the end of the school year I received another Ninja art!

And the Ninja theme continutes at the start of the new school year...

Daniel has addedAngry Birds StarWars  to his 'collection' over the summer - let's see how long that lasts...

Friday, March 1, 2013

Delivering the goods

NASA has a really nice program that allows you to enter a location in the world and get a report of possible satellites sightings for that area.  I realized too late today that I could've looked for the Space X Dragon capsule and the International Space Station up in the sky - oh well...  The Dragon is expected to arrive at and deliver goods to the ISS in the next couple of days.

NASA:  Updated - March 1, 2013 at 11:45 a.m. ESTThe SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket and Dragon spacecraft lifted off on the SpaceX 2 mission March 1 at 10:10 a.m. EST from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida.

Monday, February 25, 2013

A very windy day...

A few days of winter weather are ahead of us. It started with a very windy afternoon and evening.

Wind map created by . Near-term forecast data is used to create an animated windmap with delicately swirling lines. Snapshot from February 25, 2013 at 11:59pm EST.

Update: This system delivered about 18inches of snow to the Texas Panhandle!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Screech Owl

Sweet surprise... I spotted a couple of eastern screech owls tonight.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Love is in the Air

It's always fun to spot a nest.

Carolina Chickadee

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Mild Winter

Winter has been great here in Houston.  The very chilly weather comes once in a while for a few days, then spring-like weather takes over again. Right now, believe it or not, we're at 77F - yes, 1pm on Jan 27th!

Birds are all around.  My urban bird list from a short walk this morning:
  Monk parakeet - 20 of them squawking *
  Red-tailed hawk - 1  *
  Bronzed cowbird - with a very red eye *
  Brown-headed cowbird
  Loggerhead shrike  *
  European starling
  Great-tailed grackle
  White-winged dove
  Mourning dove
  Eurasian-collared dove - you can hear them every morning "coo-coo-cooup"
  Blue jay
  Northern cardinal - males are a beautiful bright red  *
  Northern mockingbird - they sing year around, cheering up the neighborhood