Friday, June 3, 2011

Sleep little Kaila

"Mommy, you know what? You know when I'm at school and I don't have anyone to play with I sometimes will sit like this in the swing (rocking slowly back and forth) and sing "Dorme Kailinha do meu coração ...". I'll sing it very softly, nobody can really hear me. I like it."

Dorme Kailinha is a lullaby that my mom would sing to her when she was only days, weeks old. I continued to sing it to her into her toddler years as I put her to bed. To this day, when Kaila is having a hard time falling asleep she will ask - Mommy, can you sing Dorme Kailinha? She will drift off to sleep within minutes...

What a sweet and special gift on Mother's Day.

May 08, 2011

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