Friday, December 10, 2010

Elves and More

'Elves and More works in partnerships with local school districts in Houston to distribute bicycles to under priviledged kids. Students "earn a bike" by contracting with their teachers to make improvements in one of four areas: Academics, Attitude, Attendance or After-school activities. The contracts are signed by the student and teacher, as well as their parents in an effort to involve the greater community in the activities of both the school and their children. As the semester progresses the teachers use the "carrot" of the bicycle as an incentive to keep the students on task. Early in December the contracts are reviewed and all those that have made improvements in their chosen area are assured of a bicycle. The bicycles are distributed by volunteers (who have also built them) to the children at their schools, usually in December. Local communities, principals, administrators, students and parents are all involved in this process; which has a very positive impact in the greater community.' - Elves and More

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