Friday, June 26, 2009

Boom Boom Clap

We bought our first Hannah Montana CD today!

"Ms. Shelley's daughter" visited K's pre-school class today and taught them the Hoedown Throwdown. K has performed her version of it countless times since we got home in the last 2 hours.

In the car, with CD in hand, K told D that she would have to teach him the "Boom Boom Clap" as she calls it. And that was because he had not seen "Ms. Shelley's Daughter" at school and "Ms. Shelley's Daughter" was the expert on it. K goes on to explain to D that when she gets really good at it she will also be an expert. At that point it was pretty clear that expert was the new word of the day. She has used it several times this evening... on her own making sure she doesn't forget.

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