Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Unscheduled day off

Rain, thunder and lightning continued in bands through the night. Around 4:30am I was awakened by the loudest thunder I've ever heard around here - everything vibrated. The kids slept peacefully through it. It's been a while since I've gone through such a loud storm.

We set out for our morning routine just to find that school was closed. I drove to the office with the kids and my office building was also closed - 12ft of water in the basement. From the driveway you could see the "pool" down the delivery ramp.

I'll be surprised if they can actually clean up today and have the building ready for the workday tomorrow. I'm sure plumbing, electricity, elevators all will need to be cleaned out and inspected...what a mess!

It was treat to spend the morning with the kids just playing around in a museum.

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