Sunday, March 15, 2009


Last week I came across a March 09, 2009 post on Adri Mendes' blog comparing the work of William Blake and Stardust by Neil Gaiman, illustrated by Charles Vess.

I did a quick search and found interesting articles at ImageTexT Interdisciplinary Comics Studies. Volume 4 number 1 (Summer 2008), The Comics Work of Neil Gaiman.

Meredith Collins in the article Fairy and Faerie compares images of Vess and Rackham.

"A particularly strong relationship exists between Rackham's illustrations and Vess's. [...] The mood and content of much of Rackham's art appears in various modified forms throughout Stardust. [...]

Figure 3. Comparison of Rackham's illustration from The Wind in the Willows and Vess's illustration from Stardust, p. 171."

The article of S. A. Reed is also pretty cool on the works of Neil Gaiman and Tori Amos.


Adriana Mendes said...

Very nice. Tks a lot.
Just curious. How did u find my blog?

Fernanda said...

It was by chance... I clicked on "Next Blog" and your blog came up.

Meu dia de sorte!