Thursday, March 26, 2009

Picasso's Flashlight Bull

Fortune magazine recently featured this photo in the insert Moments in Time part of The LIFE Picture Collection.

I love this picture - for me it is about the genius and the freedom in the artist that Picasso embraced and that is present in so many artists and in a sense in all of us as unique individuals.

I first ran into this photograph several years ago in the book Talking Pictures by Kismaric and Heiferman. Several people were invited to talk about a picture of their choice that had a lasting impact in their lives. Tony Bennett chose this one by Gjon Mili of Picasso drawing a bull with a flashlight. Mili captured the moment with perfect balance and 'light'.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

In the Nest & Self Portrait

K loves her new art class. She drew a beatiful bird tending to its chicks in a nest.

After coming home she went on to try out her new markers and came up with this self portrait. She was actually wearing a red shirt and a purple skirt with black dots. This shirt and skirt pair is currently her favorite outfit. She picked it out at Talbots a few weeks ago. She would wear it every every day if she could. On the back she signed her name and drew a roller coaster.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Last week I came across a March 09, 2009 post on Adri Mendes' blog comparing the work of William Blake and Stardust by Neil Gaiman, illustrated by Charles Vess.

I did a quick search and found interesting articles at ImageTexT Interdisciplinary Comics Studies. Volume 4 number 1 (Summer 2008), The Comics Work of Neil Gaiman.

Meredith Collins in the article Fairy and Faerie compares images of Vess and Rackham.

"A particularly strong relationship exists between Rackham's illustrations and Vess's. [...] The mood and content of much of Rackham's art appears in various modified forms throughout Stardust. [...]

Figure 3. Comparison of Rackham's illustration from The Wind in the Willows and Vess's illustration from Stardust, p. 171."

The article of S. A. Reed is also pretty cool on the works of Neil Gaiman and Tori Amos.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

HMNS Blog Butterflies

The Houston Museum of Natural Science blog Beyond Bones has a great post on common butterflies around town (March 09, 2009).

Monday, March 9, 2009


I guess Venus and K inspired me. I went to a yoga class today and realized how much I missed it. K loves yoga. I want to encourage her to keep practicing it. I'm going to start working with her in a more structured way in the next few months.


From The Associatd Press @
The planet Venus appears immediately to the right of a thin crescent moon as seen just after sunset Friday, Feb. 27, 2009, from Tucson, Ariz. The apparent proximity, while not a rare occurrence, made for an especially dramatic view because Venus is at its brightest as seen from the Earth--20 times brighter than the brightest star in the sky. (AP Photo/Elaine Thompson)

More on venus at

Sunday, March 8, 2009

High Island

Migration is not in full swing yet in High Island. There were lots of very pink spoonbills but not many egrets or ibises at Smith Oaks. Alligators were out in large numbers. A few turtles and a bullfrog also enjoyed a sunny day by the water.

These spoonbills had a much darker shade of pink than the ones I saw in the Fall '08 at Addicks. I noted that some birds had some orange feathers on their tails and wings - mating plumage, I learned.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Day 8

Not much obvious change this week. The temperature did drop down into the 40sF on Monday night, would that be a factor? We're back to warm again - high in the low 80s today!

A little bit of love

Buzzing around

Spring is in air...

Thursday, March 5, 2009

A closer look

A popular Brazilian saying for the ultimate strike of bad luck - "the vulture pooped on his head".

But looking closely, you can find beauty on 'most everything.


The 4% layoffs at work announced in December became reality this week... I still have my job, but several colleagues were not as fortunate.

Heads or Tails?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sleeping under Mamma's wings

And venturing out to the water...


Hanging low on a windy day.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Variegated Fritillary Caterpillar

The caterpillar I found Friday seems to be a variegated fritiillary. The
whatsthatbug website has a couple of great posts with pictures of caterpillar and butterfly.

Here is the
"caterpillar" today.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Beginning & End

Hanging in there...

At the Zoo

Rodeo Run

Over 10,000 runners participated in the 2009 ConocoPhillips Rodeo Run.

Rest day Friday

I took Friday off from running and just went on a walk with my camera. The butterflies were very patient with me.