Sunday, May 18, 2008

A Rocker in the Family

K requested a shopping stop on the way back from school Friday night. She got to pick 1 toy (Not 2, right? She asks, just to be sure of the deal!). A doll goes in the shoppping cart almost immediately but gets thrown out pretty quickly in favor of a puzzle, which in turn gets dumped for a Dora & Boots tent. A few seconds later, K's eyes land on a pink Bratz Guitar! That was it! Forget Dora, in goes pink guitar - and we are ready to go, NOW.

Note, we can only open the package after we pay AND get home. We had a loooong "are-we-there-yet" 6-min drive home.

We've been rocking for two days.

Sunday afternoon. Take a nap or loose guitar privileges? What sacrifices won't a girl do for her pink guitar!!!

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