Saturday, May 31, 2008

A trip to Africa in the works...

Today, sitting on the kitchen floor quietly cutting paper with our new scissors... our minds apparently busy!

K - Mommy, we have to go to Africa.

What do you want to do in Africa?

K - I want to see the animals.

We'll have to plan a trip to Africa.

K - O.K.


Background, building up over the past weeks...

  1. Trip to Zoo: Mad - A - Gas - Car, hissing cockroach

  2. Globe - looking up where we live, where Daddy is in Europe, Brazil, Africa

  3. Diego - African Safari Rescue

  4. Where is Africa? Out comes the globe again...

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I miss him, too.

Daddy is not home yet, ne'?
No sweety, he is still not home. Do you miss him?
I miss him, too. (Big big hug for my big girl!)

Sunday, May 18, 2008

A Rocker in the Family

K requested a shopping stop on the way back from school Friday night. She got to pick 1 toy (Not 2, right? She asks, just to be sure of the deal!). A doll goes in the shoppping cart almost immediately but gets thrown out pretty quickly in favor of a puzzle, which in turn gets dumped for a Dora & Boots tent. A few seconds later, K's eyes land on a pink Bratz Guitar! That was it! Forget Dora, in goes pink guitar - and we are ready to go, NOW.

Note, we can only open the package after we pay AND get home. We had a loooong "are-we-there-yet" 6-min drive home.

We've been rocking for two days.

Sunday afternoon. Take a nap or loose guitar privileges? What sacrifices won't a girl do for her pink guitar!!!

Guys in skirts & imported cockroaches - what a weekend!

A couple of days ago D tried on one of K's pink flowery dresses. He loved it apparently, since getting him out of it was quite a challenge. So what better program than to attend the Scottish Festival this Saturday? We enjoyed the bands, the bag pipers, sheep herding dogs (I mean sheep-herding dogs herding sheep!) and all the guys sporting their skirts, ahh, ahh, I mean, kilts... Mr. D thought they all looked just fine!

Sunday was Zoo day. We found out that plasmacars are not allowed in zoo premises. D was quite cooperative in handing it over for safe storage at guest services. We enjoyed monkeys, story time and live animal show the best today. We all roared with baby tiger as he scared the animals in the jungle. Later on, K volunteered to be a stage helper - great progress! The live animal show featured a four picture-card riddle "Mad - A - Gas - Car". K was "Mad". The solution led us to the star of the show: a hissing Madagascar cockroach! (Don't we have enough cockroaches in TX?!) The next animal was an even bigger hit with the kids, a two-foot long alligator and everyone got to touch it. A very forgiving alligator, I must say.

If up in time from the afternoon naps, we'll be off to "inventions and innovations" at BB MFAH. If not, just swinging in the park will cap the day.

Friday, May 16, 2008

"As if...!"

K - You were wrong!
L - You like pointing that out now, huh?! You know, honey, everyone is wrong sometimes. Even you...
K - (no answer - just a classic sideways look, "as if!")

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Cake or playground...

Have cake or go to the playground? Tough choice, but playground in the park wins...I'll try to negotiate cake after that. Ooops, cake didn't work today. No amount of whining did it!