Monday, February 21, 2011

Dr. Maya Angelou receives Presidential Medal of Freedom

K is Maya Angelou on a school production celebrating Black History Month. Her teacher sent home a whole page of lines to memorize... It opens with:

"Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, I am the dream and the hope of the slave. I rise, I rise, I rise."

and closes with the words President Obama quoted as he presented Dr. Angelou with the Presidential Medal of Freedom a few days ago:

"History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again."

Dr. Maya Angelou - poet, author, educator, dancer, producer, actress, historian, film maker, civil rights activist.

Photo: Associated Press

Sunday, February 6, 2011

It's Sunday

Today we went out in T-shirts. Yes, after the city shut down on Friday due to freezing weather and ice, today, Sunday, 2 days later, it is 70 degrees F. It's a sunny, warm, awesome day!

Super Bowl Sunday - game is on in a few hours...

Friday, February 4, 2011

It didn't snow

The 2 feet of snow that was in the forecast for Houston did not materialize. We did have lots of ice everywhere, though. The low temps hung around all day. Icicles that formed with the freezing rain are still around the roof and the backyard umbrella.

No work today! Played at home with the kids all day.

Houston freeways were closed with iced overpasses. Some motorists were stranded half way over sky bridges when they found ice and could not find traction to go forward or turn back...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

In School for 100 Days

The 100th day of school was a big deal. A whole day of activities around the 100 number. It's fun to get a glimpse into Kaila's world - kids were asked to complete the blank spaces after the dots "..."

I can write 100 words.
I can write my numbers to 100.
I can count by 5's to 100.
I can count by 10's to 100.
If I had $100 I would... save money!
If I had 100 pencils, I would... use one every day.
If I had 100 mosquito bites, I would... put cream.
If I had 100 friends, I would... play with friends.
If I had 100 legs, I would... walk with them.
If I had 100 eyes, I would... look all around.
If I had 100... teachers, I would... listen very carefully.
If I had 100... mouths, I would... eat everything at the same time.
If I had 100... computers, I would... use one everyday.
If I had 100... books, I would... read one everyday.

When I'm 100 years old... I will travel.
I feel 100 feet tall when... I'm happy.
If I have told you once, I have told you 100 times... I love you.

It is cold today!

The cold is down here in Houston, too! Brrrr....