Thursday, February 18, 2010

I love you, too.

Happy Valentine's Day - Daniel. February 14, 2010.

Why are words so long....?

That seems to be the question on Daniel's mind this week. He has been experimenting with shortening the words as he talks. Tomorrow became "tomah", Lightning McQueen is "Light", guacamole is "guacamah".

- Can I watch Light tomah? I don't want guacamah today.

It's been a fun couple of days, deciphering his new shortened language.

I vaguely remember Kaila going through this same thing a couple of years ago. I wish I had made some notes of her expressions then.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Who are you??

The things you see on the road... minivan license plate: "IAMGOD".

I wish I had my camera ready for a snapshot...for real, as my 5-year old says. Who thinks of doing something like that!?

Monday, February 8, 2010

On the big screen

This was Kaila's first baseball game. She actually made it to the big screen on the stadium. Cheering and dancing on her seat!

More finds in my desk clean up.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Old notes

I'm in the process of cleaning my desk and as always I have many small bits of paper with random notes. Things I'd like to eventually look up or read.

One note says "When Nietzche Wept by Irvin Yalom" and "Terroir by Wilson; the role of geology, climate & culture in the making of french wines". The first book I read probably 2 years ago and really liked. The second one on the note is still to be purchased or borrowed...

A second piece of paper has "Quilts of Gee's Bend". I love their quilts and I still have some stamps the U.S. Postal Service released in 2006. The Houston Museum of Fine Arts had a Gee's Bend exhibit with 70 quilts on display in that same year.