Wednesday, December 23, 2009

New workout partner

Today Daniel and I went on a short 2-mile walk. Not a single time did he ask to be carried. He´s a real trouper and loves to come along for a stroll.

Monday, December 21, 2009


It's that time of year again when families get together and children get totally spoiled by grandparents. My kids are certainly enjoying the all the attention and new experiences that only grandparents can provide. There is a bright light in their eyes when they smile and a deep innocence in their laugh - these are priceless moments.

Being with my family and enjoying it are part of the true blessings of the Holidays for me!

Friday, December 4, 2009


It snowed in Houston today!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

"Secret it"

In the car, on the way to a party this weekend Kaila wanted me to tell her where to find a new set of moldable soap I had saved for her. Not wanting Daniel to hear the hiding place (and maybe beat her to it when we got home) she asked:
"Mommy, can you secret it to me when we get to the party?"

When did secret become a verb? Is this some new kids thing that I'm way out of the loop on?