I've just spend some time looking through some pretty, artsy, original Czechoslovakian film posters from the 1930's through the 1980's at Terry-Posters.com. Many of the posters are available for sale in store at the Světozor Cinema in Prague and online. All the prints are original. For sale or not - they're all well worth browsing.
Jane McDevitt from Maraid Design Bloghas a recent entry with the posters that she acquired at Terry's. Maraid's Flickrphotostream also has many neat design finds - I love her collection of matchbox labels.
Jack asked for milk with his dinner tonight. George opted for apple juice. After a few sips Jack decides that apple juice seems like a better choice. Adults say, "No, drink the milk you asked for...". George as a good 3-year old host, without skipping a beat, pours his apple juice into Jack's milk. The two were as happy as could be - Jack enjoyed his "apple flavored" milk and George was very proud of himself for sharing! I couldn't help but laugh. The joys of a separate dinner party table for kids.
Google has the cooolest Snoopy and Woodstock doodle.
ABC featured today "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving". I was glad I recorded it. As much as I like Snoopy, the ratio ads-to-program was extremely high, making it not worth watching the regular program without the >>FF control.
Thanksgiving is just around the corner and we're coming up on holiday specials. Yahoo!TV just posted a series of Christmas shows with air times on thier site. I want to catch "A Charlie Brown Christmas" on Tuesday, 12/01/2009 at 8pm ET on ABC.
The book is printed in thick pages with beautiful cursive writing and very nice art work. Kate talks about her experiences and many unique places to visit in Kyoto and around Japan. She describes with grace the intricacies of life in Japan. You'll learn about moon-viewing, wash cloths, Zen meditation, counting tofu, paper cranes origami.