Monday, December 22, 2008

New running venue

I´ve been running at 3000ft for the past week. It´s nice to have a change of venue and conditions. The route through the park has a few nice gentle inclines. I´ve done a couple of 10K.

Not feeling very well the last couple of days so my plans for a 20K over the weekend did not materialize...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Snowman

The Houston Symphony Christmas Concert featured the book The Snowman by Raymond Briggs and animated short by the BBC. Amazing! We watched the Snowman with the music performed live by the Houston Symphony.

The book tells the story in pictures of a little boy and his Snowman. The Snowman comes to life in a wintry night to share a magical evening of adventures with his friend.

The Symphony Chorus sang the Twelve Days of Christmas "just" for K. She was delighted since she has been practicing it for her school caroling tomorrow. And who better than Santa himself to conduct Jingle Bells?

D loved the music. He sat quietly for the entire performance clapping enthusiastically at the end of each piece.

The Concert was extra special this year. GPa G and GMa M were in town and joined us!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Fantastic Days

I wish I could feel like K did one day last week. She came home and out of the blue, on a quiet moment, she said emphatically,

"Mommy, I had a fantastic day today! Can I get a brownie point?"

- You sure can, Sweetie!

"O.K., Mommy. Thanks!" [she gives me a big hug and goes on her way...]

Come to think of it, all my days are fantastic. I have the most wonderful and healthy kids in the world.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Track on Monday

My track workout this Monday: 4x1200m at 7:30min/mi, 1min recovery. The long run, track, recovery runs and pilates combination seems to be working for me.

Thanks Soaring Ibis Running Coaches and Friends!